The Enbridge Nextfest Emerging Artist Awards

The Enbridge Nextfest Emerging Artist Awards are designed to recognize, encourage and support the initiative and excellence of young independent artists residing in Alberta. For the purpose of these awards an emerging artist is defined as an individual who:

 is under the age of 30
 has completed an initial phase of training in their artistic field
 is on the cusp of visibility

The intention of The Awards is to support and encourage artistic activity. Awards are not intended to fund production costs, promotional materials, or post-secondary tuition. Assessment of nominees will be based on the uniqueness, plausibility, and community involvement of the articulated artistic activity.

How To Apply

An individual artist will nominate him/herself for the award. The nomination will articulate the individual’s artistic activity, (past, present, and future). “Artistic activity” may include research, professional development, facilitation, or creation. It is highly recommended that if an artistic activity involves a partnership (e.g. a mentorship with an established artist) that evidence be provided confirming that partner’s participation (i.e. letter of invitation, letter of agreement, receipt of registration, etc). Nextfest will not be responsible for the return of support materials, so please do not send originals.

The total award allocation will not exceed the sum of $5,000. The quantity of awards will be determined by the jury, but generally each award is a minimum of $1,000. Meeting eligibility requirements does not guarantee an award. Awards will be announced and presented at the Nextfest 2014 Opening Ceremonies on June 5, 2014.

Nominations are to be sent to:

Enbridge Nextfest Emerging Artist Awards
c/o The Roxy Theatre
10708 124 St
Edmonton, AB
T5M 0H1

Or emailed to:

Deadline: May 23, 2014 


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  1. Call to Alberta Artists: Nextfest Emerging Artist Awards 2014, apply by May 23Art Rubicon | Visual Arts Magazine /

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